It’s up to you…
There are recommended Caterers for each property. Just click on the Catering tab on each House page to see specific catering details for that property.
They will offer you a variety of menus for your big house party from a simple, hearty, two course, self-service meal, to a more formal, fully served and cleared dinner. All are made from the best available local produce wherever possible. Just decide which house you are interested in and you will find a list of Caterers on the page for that House.
If, however, you would prefer us to organise your event for you, just let us know and will gladly do so!
If you have a specific caterer that you would like to use, they would just need to visit the house and show us the necessary insurances
Corporate Catering
Each business event is different and will have different requirements – just speak to us if you would like us to help organise your catering. You are, of course, free to contact our chefs directly if you prefer.
All our Caterers can cater for any dietary requirements.