Swimming pool
What is the key to throwing a successful pool party? Well great weather is an excellent start, but more importantly is to invite a great bunch of friends who will combine to form a wonderful atmosphere. Even if the weather ends up letting you down on the day of the event, if you have planned everything well and taken care of all the extra special details, your party is sure to be a hit!
When designing your invitations, along with the usual details, don’t forget to include anything your guests should bring with them. If the pool is going to be used for swimming and not just as a backdrop, it is crucial to tell everyone to bring some swimwear and a towel!
Sunscreen and items to freshen up
A great touch is to have a few baskets or pretty containers strategically placed close to the poolside with useful items like small bottles of sunscreen, antibacterial hand wipes, facial wipes and so on, so that your guests can use them to freshen up should they wish to!
Creature Comforts
Even though your guests will probably bring their own, have a supply of dry hand towels and swimming towels available in case your guests need them and position plenty of comfortable chairs and seating around the pool area. Ensure you have a little more than the right amount of chairs for the number of guests you have invited and scatter a few gorgeous cushions around.
Some big, colourful and inviting looking beanbags dotted around the lawn would be the icing on the cake!
Safety First
Some of your guests may not be able to swim very well, so have some pool noodles, tubes and large, brightly coloured rubber balls floating in the water. This will add a vibrant touch to your party area, and the guests who cannot swim will feel a little more comfortable.
Place food and snacks in the shade
Make sure that your food and snacks are placed under cover and out of the hot sun. There is nothing worse than warm fruit or hot salads!
An extra large ice bucket
It is a wonderful sight – walking into a pool party and seeing a huge metal bucket filled to the brim with ice cubes and drinks. It can make you feel cool just looking at it on a hot day and your guests will be able to help themselves to cold refreshing drinks all day long. Have plenty of ice available to keep topping it up throughout the party.
Variety is the spice of the party
Offering a variety of food is vital, from a choice of salads and finger foods to a selection of meats on the barbecue. Don’t forget your vegetarian and vegan guests and if you are unsure, it is sensible to have some meat-free alternatives available just in case.
Choose the right time
Aim to miss everyone being out in the sizzling summer sun for the hottest time of the day, (especially between 12pm and 3pm) in especially hot weather as no one wants to be sweating profusely! It is always important to provide sufficient shaded areas to allow guests to escape the sun if they need to during hot spells.
Plan some games
You would probably like your party to be remembered for its delicious food and fabulous atmosphere, but to be extra sure that your guests have a wonderful time, get them involved in some fun outdoor games! A quick search on Google will throw up an enormous amount of entertaining ideas that will suit your space and the group you are entertaining.
If you are looking for the perfect venue to host your pool party, click here for some fantastic options!